Member Point Card purchase amount special offers

From May 1st to May 31st, only members of silver level or above can enjoy a 60% off. on massage 2 Session

Diamond Member
$100,000 Point Card is entitled to the purchase amount of $130,000
Customer can choose a private locker, a private bathrobe and a private bathing lotion
Purchase amount of the Point Card is valid for two years

Platinum Member
$50,000 Point Card is entitled to the purchase amount of $63,000
Customer is entitled to a private bathrobe
Purchase amount of the Point Card is valid for two years

Gold Member
$30,000 Point Card is entitled to the purchase amount of $38,000
Purchase amount of the Point Card is valid for one and a half years

Silver member
$10,000 Point Card is entitled to the purchase amount of $12,000
Purchase amount of the Point Card is valid for one year

Privileged member
$6,000 Point Card is entitled to the purchase amount of $6,800
Purchase amount of the Point Card is valid for one year

TST Branch : Regular (14:00 to 21:00) 90 minute Massage $479,Special Offer (11:00 to 14:00 / 21:00 to 01:00) 90 minute Massage $359,Late night (after 01:00) 90 minute massage $299
Hong Kong shop : regular (14:00 to 21:00) 90 minute massage $539,Special Offer (11:00 to 14:00 / 21:00 to 01:00) 90 minute Massage $413,Late night (after 01:00) 90 minute massage $299
Kowloon Store : Regular 90 minute Massage (14:00 to 21:00) $ 350 Special Offer (11:00 to 14:00 / 21:00 to 01:00) 90 minute Massage $270 Late Night (after 01:00) 90 minute Massage $227

*All free item coupons are valid for three months
*The purchase amount of Member Point Card applies to fees for sauna, massage, lobby services and foot bath and excludes tips.
*The company reserves the final right to modify or cancel membership without prior notice.